The History of the San Diego Swiss Club

The San Diego County Swiss Club officially formed as a group in 1939. The Swiss Club’s first president was Paul Aeschlimann. Members of the Swiss Club Board at that time were Paul Aeschlimann (President), Robert Egger, Sr. (Vice President), Theodore Blattler (Treasurer), Walter Suter (Recording Secretary), Leo Arnold (Corresponding Secretary), John Kastlunger (Director) and John Christen (Director).

Although they are no longer with us, their spirit lives today. It is in their descendants and the many Swiss who have emigrated to this country that their legacy is with us. Their wish to pass Swiss tradition and heritage to future generations is alive.

The site for the very first Schwingfest, held in 1950, was Eggers Park. Since then, San Diego has eight times been the host city for the West Coast Swiss Wrestling Association Championship Schwingfest.

Alois Stockalper was president in 1953 when Robert Egger, Sr. so generously sold the land that our Swiss Club now sits on for a nominal fee. Then in 1957, pulling resources together, the Club built a great hall. At the inauguration everyone could proudly say, "At last we have our own hall." The beautiful hall, presently used, was built in 1970 due to the expansion of the freeway. In the mid 1980’s, Robert Egger, Jr., along with his working partner, donated the land that our parking lot sits on today.

In 1982, following the dream of then President Max Wirth, the Swiss Singers were organized. The Singers represented San Diego County Swiss Club at the festival in Long Beach in 1984 as a guest choir. There the United Swiss Singing Societies of the Pacific Coast accepted the San Diego Swiss Singers into their organization. As a result, the San Diego Singers hosted the Triennial Festival in our beautiful city and Swiss Park in 1990.

Today, after eight decades of Club activities, the traditions live on with many thanks to our founding fathers.

The Club's Mission Statement

  • To promote the general welfare and good fellowship of the Swiss people, their relatives and descendants.
  • To promote and protect the profits and interests of the Swiss Club and its members.
  • To encourage good citizenship.

Board of Directors

  • Tony Odermatt, President
  • Steve Egger, Vice President
  • Karen Odermatt, Treasurer
  • Sandra Leeman, Recording Secretary
  • Debbie Morris, Membership Secretary
  • Ernie Ludwig, Director
  • Lilian Dreier, Director
  • Andrea Nebel, Director
  • Ladina Krokee, Director
  • Luisa Marinaccio, Director
Tony Odermatt

Swiss Club President

Debbie Morris

Membership Secretary,

Lilian Dreier

Swiss Ladies President


San Diego Swiss Club Honorary Members

Many thanks to those who have made special contributions to the San Diego County Swiss Club. Each of the following individuals in appreciation of their dedication have been granted an Honorary Lifetime Membership in the San Diego County Swiss Club.

  • Steve and Carmela Egger
  • Robert and Estela Egger
  • Walter Egger
  • George Reber
  • Hans & Marie-Th. Emmenegger.
  • Rudy Kastlunger
  • Hedy Buchmann
  • David Egger
  • Margot Linback
  • Tina Duenez